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Tomato Powder


This "recipe" is a way to use as much of an ingredient as possible. Next time that you're working with tomatoes and have to remove the skins, don't toss them out. Follow these simple instructions to make tomato powder! The tomato powder will add some layers of flavor to dishes that you wouldn't otherwise have.


dehydrated tomato skins


You'll probably need a couple of pounds of tomatoes to get enough skins to make enough powder. We suggest making the powder in conjunction with a tomato-heavy recipe, such as a tomato soup.

Remove the skins from the tomatoes and spread them in a single layer on a parchment paper lined baking sheet. Heat your oven to 170 degrees F or to the lowest temperature that your oven will go. Place the baking sheet of tomato skin in the oven for 20-30 minutes. Check the skins after that amount of time to see if they have dried out. If they still seem like they have moisture in them, place them back in the oven for about 10 minutes longer and continue until they are crispy and crunchy, but not burnt at all. If you own a dehydrator, you can use that instead.

Allow the skins to cool and then place in a grinder. We use a cheap coffee grinder. Grind it to your desired consistency and then place in a spice jar or something similar until you are ready to use.

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