Guess The Method : Scalloped Cucumbers

Guess The Method : Scalloped Cucumbers

We’re back with another recipe from Charleston Receipts! April chose Scalloped Cucumbers. Brittany and Caroline try to figure out what the heck those are and how they’re made. Chaos ensues. Kara has to eat a cucumber. Watch to see it all go down. 

Here’s the ingredients list:

3 Cucumbers
White bread
Salt & Pepper

April’s Snack Bag Ep. 3

April's Snack Bag Episode 3

It’s ICE CREAM DAY!! April spends a pretty penny to have ice cream shipped to her across the country from the amazing ice cream shop, Salt & Straw. Find out if it was worth it.

List of Salt & Straw snacks:

Salted Malted Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough
Freckled Mint Chocolate Chip
Goosebumps: Monster Blood is Back!
Honey Lavender
The Great Candycopia 

April’s Snack Bag Ep. 2

April's Snack Bag Episode 2

In this episode of April’s Snack Bag, Brittany and April continue sampling all of the International treats that April discovered at Lidl, Aldi, and other various stores. 

List of snacks:

Mozart Pralines (Lidl)
Oktoberfest Gummies (Lidl)
Candied Honey Roasted Mixed Nuts (Lidl)
Bissli Pizza Cubes (Publix)
Wavy Buffalo Wing Chips (Aldi)
Dragon Fruit (Publix)

April’s Snack Bag Ep. 1

April's Snack Bag Episode 1

Brittany and April LOVE snacks. Not only do they LOVE snacks, but they love trying snacks that they’ve never tried before. In this episode of April’s Snack Bag, the snack adventurers try everything from pickled peaches, to smoke flavored wheat tubes, to pumpkin spice cheese. There’s great surprise, delight, and disappointment along the way. Grab your favorite snack and join us!

Guess The Method : The Pilot Episode

Guess The Method : Potato Apples (The Pilot Episode)

There are some interesting recipes out there in the world. Some of those recipes make no sense to a logical thinking person. In our first episode of Guess The Method, we tackled a recipe called “Potato Apples” from Brittany’s first edition copy of Charleston Receipts. #zachcheated

Here’s the ingredients list. How would you make it?

2 potatoes 
1 egg yolk diluted with a little water
salt and pepper